
Repo with the details for 11/7 Prefect stream about using Github Actions to deploy your Prefect flows

Primary LanguagePython


Repo with the details for 11/7 Prefect stream about using Github Actions to deploy your Prefect flows

How to use

  1. Add PREFECT_API_KEY and PREFECT_API_URL as secrets to your GitHub repo for use by the GitHub Action (Settings > Secrets > Actions). NOTE: You can see your api key and your api url for a given workspace after logging in to your cli (prefect cloud login) with prefect config view.)
  2. Create a GitHub Block in Prefect Cloud referencing your repo and the target branch.
  3. Copy .github/workflows/cloud-deployment.yaml to your repo and update it to reference your flow. Set the storage block (--sb) to the slug of your Github Block from step 2. Change the other flags like the tags and work queue to your preference.
  4. Create a requirements.txt in your repo's root directory; make sure to update requirements.txt if your flow needs access to more python packages.