
A list of women tech speakers & organizers. Add yourself or others by submitting a PR! PS if you do add someone, make sure to tell them! :) #fempire


This is a list of women tech speakers & organizers.

Also included in this list is a list of women who would LIKE to get involved & a list of PEOPLE that would like to help and mentor women.

Add yourself or others by submitting a PR! Please add yourself alphabetically, per region.

This list originally started from a twitter list I keep - it's not complete, but it's a start if you'd like to follow!

Code of Conduct - If anyone is reported as malicious or making others feel uncomfortable, they may be removed from this list. To report, email tracy@thisdot.co.

Women Tech Speakers

Example Format

Full Name (First, Last)



Jina Anne
Jennifer Bland
  • @ratracegrad
  • jenniferbland.com
  • Topics - Workshop Speeches, JavaScript, Node.js, AngularJS, Angular, Vue, Web Components, Polymer, HTML/CSS, Flexbox
  • Location - Atlanta, GA
Lin Clark
Chloe Condon
  • @chloecondon
  • Medium
  • Topics - Developer Evangelism, Docker
  • Location - Bay Area / San Francisco
Kim Crayton
Santina Croniser
  • @SantinaCroniser
  • Topics - Accessibility, Diversity, Women in Tech, Frontend Development, CMS, Tech in Higher Education
  • Location - Chicago, IL
Bear Douglas
  • @beardigsit
  • Topics - Dev Rel, events, Android, APIs
  • Location - San Francisco, CA
Sarah Drasner
Sarah Dutkiewicz
Val Head
  • @vlh
  • valhead.com
  • Topics - Keynotes Speeches, JavaScript, Animations
  • Location - Pittsburgh, PA
Tomomi Imura
  • @girlie_mac
  • girliemac.com
  • Topics - Workshops, JS, Node.JS, IoT, mentoring, dev rel, mobile, design
  • Location - San Francisco, CA
Mars Jullian
Alaina Kafkes
  • @alainakafkes
  • alainakafk.es
  • Topics - Technical Writing, Python, iOS Development, Web Development, Community Building
  • Location - Chicago, IL / San Francisco, CA
  • Languages besides English - French
Sia Karamalegos
Nara Kasbergen
  • @xiehan
  • nara.codes
  • Topics - Mental health in tech, APIs, Developer Experience (DX), JavaScript, Angular, voice UI development (e.g. Alexa)
  • Location - Washington, DC, USA
  • Languages besides English - Dutch
Preethi Kasireddy
Amara Keller
  • @MissAmaraKay
  • Medium
  • Topics - AI, JavaScript, NodeJS, Dev Rel, Workshops, meetups
  • Location - Bay Area / San Francisco, CA
Aimee Knight
Una Kravets
  • @una
  • una.im
  • Topics - Keynotes Speeches, JavaScript, CSS, Animations
  • Location - New York, NY
Jules Kremer
  • @jules_kremer
  • Topics - Keynote Speeches, Angular, Women in Tech
  • Location - Mountain View & San Diego, CA & Maui, HI
Cara Kuei
  • @carakuei
  • Topics - JavaScript, React
  • Location - Los Angeles, CA
Deborah Kurata
  • @deborahkurata
  • Blog
  • Topics - Angular, C#, Software Best Practices
  • Location - San Francisco Bay/Silicon Valley Area
Pearl Latteier
Tracy Lee
  • @ladyleet
  • ladyleet.com
  • Topics - Keynote Speeches, JavaScript, NativeScript, React Native, React, Angular, Women in Tech, Startup, Entrepreneurship
  • Location - Bay Area / San Francisco, CA & Raleigh, NC
Devon Lindsey
Stacy London
Jen Looper
  • @jenlooper
  • ladeezfirstmedia.com
  • Topics - Keynote Speeches, JavaScript, NativeScript, Web and Mobile Development, IOT, Machine Learning
  • Location - Boston, MA
  • Languages - English and French
Tara Z. Manicsic
  • @tzmanics
  • tzmanics.com
  • Topics - JavaScript, PWAs, Node.js, Web Technology, Vue/React/Angular, APIs
  • Location - Cincinnati, OH
Rachel Arst McCullough
Catherine Meade
Rachel Ober
  • @rachelober
  • Personal Website
  • Topics - Keynote, Writing, Speaking, Open Source Software, CSS, Sass, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, RailsBridge, Mentoring, Starting non-profit organizations, Personal Branding, Community Building, creating programming course curriculum, teaching people how to program, teaching people how to teach people how to program
  • Location - New York, NY
Lyndsey Padget
  • @lyndseypadget
  • lyndseypadget.com
  • Topics - Git, REST, Node.js, JavaScript, Microservices, Back-end development, Public Speaking, Java, Women in Tech, Work/life balance, Badassery
  • Location - Kansas City, MO
Violet Peña
  • No twitter
  • violet.is
  • Topics - JavaScript, Socket.IO, React, Creative Coding
  • Location - Portland, OR
  • Languages besides English - Spanish
Maggie Pint
  • @maggiepint
  • maggiepint.com
  • Topics - Open Source Sustainability, JavaScript Libraries, Standards/TC39, DateTime, Azure/Cloud
  • Location - Redmond, WA
Natalie Qabazard
  • @natqab
  • Topics - JavaScript, React
  • Location - San Francisco, CA
Peggy Rayzis
  • @peggyrayzis
  • Medium Profile
  • Topics - Workshops, JavaScript, Universal Components, React, React Native, GraphQL, Apollo GraphQL
  • Location - Hoboken, NJ
Lizzie Siegle
Jen Simmons
Marcy Sutton
Heather Taylor
Raquel Vélez
  • @rockbot
  • rckbt.me
  • Topics - Keynote Speeches, JavaScript, Node.js, npm, Front-End, Robots
  • Location - Bay Area / San Francisco, CA
Jennifer Wadella
Estelle Weyl
Rachel White
  • @ohhoe
  • rachelisaweso.me
  • Topics - Keynote Speeches, JavaScript, Node.js, Creative Coding, Bots, IoT, Hardware / Robotics, Cyberpunk, Educating new devs, Community, AI
  • Location - Brooklyn, NY.
Sarah Withee
Shirley Wu
  • @sxywu
  • sxywu.com
  • Topics - Data Viz, JavaScript, React
  • Location - San Francisco, CA
Ayşegül Yönet


Myriam Jessier


Britt Barak
Ada Rose Cannon
  • @lady_ada_king
  • ada.is
  • Topics - WebVR, Progressive Web Apps, Web Technology, Samsung Internet Web Browser
  • Location - London, UK
Simona Cotin
  • @simona_cotin
  • Topics - JavaScript, Angular, Node.js, Azure
  • Location - London, UK
  • Languages besides English - Romanian
Sara Di Bartolomeo
  • Picorana
  • Topics - Generative Art, Data Science, Data Visualization, Computer Graphics
  • Location - Rome, Italy
  • Languages besides English - Italian
Ingrid Epure
Serena Fritsch
  • @serifritsch
  • Topics - Building Product, Ember, Javascript
  • Location - Dublin, Ireland
  • Languages besides English - German
Oana Galbenu
  • @oanaalex
  • galbenu.ro
  • Topics - Keynote Speeches, HTML, CSS and preprocessors, Agile
  • Location - Bucharest, Romania
  • Languages besides English - Romanian
Ola Gasidlo
  • @misprintedtype
  • Topics - Keynote Speeches, Offline First, Web Compat
  • Location - Berlin, Germany
  • Languages besides English - German, Polish
Marie Guillaumet
  • @kReEsTaL
  • Personal Website
  • Topics - Accessibility, UX, HTML/CSS, WordPress, diversity, women in tech
  • Location - Rennes, France
  • Languages besides English - French
Franziska Hinkelmann
  • @fhinkel
  • Topics - JavaScript VMs, Chrome V8
  • Location - Munich, Germany
  • Languages besides English - German
Marja Hölttä
  • @marjakh
  • Topics - JavaScript Parsers, Chrome V8
  • Location - Munich, Germany
  • Languages besides English - Finnish
Eva Lettner
  • @eva_trostlos
  • Topics - CSS, Animation
  • Location - Vienna, Austria
  • Languages besides English - German
Srushtika Neelakantam
  • @Srushtika
  • Topics - WebVR, A-Frame, Web Technologies, Realtime Technologies, deepstream.io
  • Location - Berlin, Germany
Carmen Popoviciu
  • @CarmenPopoviciu
  • Topics - Keynote Speeches, Angular, Polymer, Machine Learning, Community
  • Location - Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Languages besides English - Romanian, Dutch
Manel Rhaiem (Manel, Rhaiem)
  • @manelbutterfly
  • Topics - Business Intelligence, Data Science, Web Technologies
  • Location - Budapest, Hungary
  • Languages besides English - Arabic, French

##### Ineke Scheffers

  • @FYIneke & @GirlCodeNL
  • Girl Code
  • Topics - Girl Code, women in tech, gender gap in code, workshops, community, web development, changing careers
  • Location - The Hague & Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • Languages besides English - Dutch
Stephanie Walter
Hannah Wolfe
  • @erisDS
  • Topics - JavaScript, sustainable Open Source projects
  • Location - Northhampton, UK


Manjula Dube
Kritika Maheshwari
  • @mozkri
  • Topics - Open Web Technologies, Rust
  • Location - Hyderabad, India


Sara Soueidan


Aderinokun Ire

Women Tech Organizers

Example Format

Full Name (First, Last)


Jina Anne
K.C. Jones-Evans
  • @kcjonesevans
  • Dayton Data Viz, Dayton, OH
  • Group Focus - Infographic Design and Development, Web Mapping, D3.js, R, Tableau, Matlab, Processing, Hadoop, Data Mining, etc... Anything to do with the design/development of awesome visualizations
  • GDI Dayton, Dayton, OH
Anastasia Lanz
  • @anastasialanz
  • GDG Pitt, Pittsburgh, PA
  • Group Focus - Google Technology, Machine Learning, Web Development, Android
Tracy Lee
Nitya Narashimhan


Heather Payne



Britt Barak
Madlaina Kalunder
  • @anialdam
  • Women Techmakers Switzerland, Switzerland
  • Group Focus - Diversity in Tech (all levels), enabling young people in tech, public speaking, workshops, soft skills, project managment and anything that is important to our community.
  • Location: Zurich, Switzerland
Sherry List
  • @sherrrylst
  • ngCopenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Group Focus - Angular, AngularJS, Front End Development
  • GDG Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Group Focus - Google Technology, Machine Learning, Web Development, JavaScript
  • ngVikings, Scandinavia
  • Group Focus - Angular
Natalie Pistunovich


Women Interested In Getting Started / Getting Involved

Example Format

Full Name (First, Last)
  • @TwitterHandle
  • Personal Website
  • Email Address
  • Topics of Interest- Topic 1, Topic 2, Topic 3
  • Location - City, State, Country
  • Languages besides English - List, Here
  • Explain what you'd like to get involved in. Keep it shorter than 3-4 sentences.



Oana Galbenu
  • @oanaalex
  • galbenu.ro
  • oana@galbenu.ro. oanagalbenu@gmail.com
  • Topics of Interest- HTML, CSS and preprocessors, Agile
  • Location - Bucharest, Romania, other Romanian cities
  • Languages besides English - Romanian
  • I would like to put together a group of exepienced people that would volunteer to mentor and guide the emergind developers.


Meghna Gupta

People Interested In Mentoring Women

Example Format

Full Name (First, Last)
  • @TwitterHandle
  • Personal Website
  • How to Contact - List out here
  • Topics for Mentoring - Topic 1, Topic 2, Topic 3
  • Location - City, State, Country
  • Languages besides English - List, Here
  • Explain what you'd like to help women with. Keep it shorter than 3-4 sentences.


Rachel Ober
  • @rachelober
  • Personal Website
  • How to Contact - Twitter or through my website
  • Topics for Mentoring - Students in Bootcamps, How to Mentor Someone, How to be an awesome Mentee, Public Speaking, Technical Writing, Open Source Software, Running Inclusive Workshops, Team Building
  • Location - New York NY


Manjula Dune


Martin Splitt
  • @g33konaut
  • Personal Website
  • How to contact - Twitter, open direct messages
  • Topics for mentoring - Web Development, WebVR / WebGL, Career in tech, Public Speaking
Madlaina Kalunder
  • @anialdam
  • Personal Website
  • How to contact - Twitter, open direct messages
  • Location - Zurich, Switzerland, the Netherlands, any location
  • Languages: English, German, a little dutch, french and spanish (want to practise)
  • Topics for mentoring - WebVR, 3D, 3D for the web, Game Development, Web Development, digital creation
Oana Galbenu
  • @oanaalex
  • galbenu.ro
  • How to Contact - oana@galbenu.ro, oanagalbenu@gmail.com or Twitter, open direct messages
  • Topics for Mentoring - HTML, CSS and preprocessors, Agile
  • Location - Bucharest, Romania, other Romanian cities, or any location via Skype (or other media)
  • Languages besides English - Romanian
  • I have more than 10 years of work expecience and more that 8 years as a fully registered web developer. I would like to help women understand the basics of the Web and help them. I have also worked a lot with Agile and I am able to coach and help with advice and best practices.


Pavithra Kodmad
  • @pkodmad
  • Email Address - [pavithra.kodmad@gmail.com]
  • Javascript development, OSS contribution, Front End development
  • Location - Sydney, Australia
  • If there are any motivated women out there who are putting continuous effort towards learning some front-end development, I can help them out by teaching concepts, internals of libs, debugging their work and generally do some pairing.