
Helper class for accessing the OX3 API - Requires https://github.com/simplegeo/python-oauth2

Primary LanguagePython


A small class to help connect to the OpenX Enterprise API. While it uses oauth2, it does not use httplib2 as the transport due to issues with headers created by httplib2. Instead it uses urllib2 as the HTTP transport.

It currently supports Python 2.4 - 2.7, with 3.x support comming in the future.

As of version 0.4.0, ox3apiclient supports API v2. If your instance is v2, set the api_path option to "/ox/4.0".

Basic usage:

import ox3apiclient

ox = ox3apiclient.client_from_file().logon()

account_ids = ox.get('/a/account')

order = {
    'status': 'Active',
    'name': 'OX3APIClient Object Creation Test',
    'account_id': account_ids[0],
    'start_date': '2012-08-22 00:00:00'}

new_order = ox.post('/a/order', data=order)

ox.delete('/a/order/%s' % new_order['id'])



Install from PyPi with pip

$ pip install ox3apiclient

This should install the oauth2 dependency, but you can manually install if needed.

$ pip install oauth2

Note that Python 2.4 and 2.5 support requires simplejson. You will need simplejson 2.1.0 specifically for Python 2.4. You can install this version with:

$ pip install simplejson==2.1.0


The recommended method of authentication is to use ox3apiclient.client_from_file. By default this will look for a file named .ox3rc in the current current directory, but this can be overwritten by specifying a file_path parameter. The file should be in the following format:


email: you@example.com
password: password123
domain: dev.uidomain.com
realm: dev.uidomain_realm
consumer_key: 1fc5c9ae...
consumer_secret: 7c664d68...
authorization_url: http://custom_sso.uidomain.com/api/index/initiate

email: you@example.com
password: password123
domain: uidomain.com
realm: uidomain_realm
consumer_key: 1fc5c9ae...
consumer_secret: 7c664d68...

ox3apiclient.client_from_file will use the first env by default but this can be overwritten by setting the env parameter. If your email and password are set in .ox3rc you can simply chain a call to logon().

Alternatively you can set everything in your code.

email = 'you@example.com'
password = 'password123'
domain = 'uidomain.com'
realm = 'uidomain_realm'
consumer_key = '1fc5c9ae...'
consumer_secret = '7c664d68...'

ox = ox3apiclient.Client(

ox.logon(email, password)