Labs, assignments, and notes for SCIE 204 at ECUAD: Programming with Processing taught by David Bergman. This is a mostly technical course with more focus on having the skills to makes aesthetic and logical choices than conceptual ones.
#Processing Processing is a language that is heavily drawing and graphics based. Its IDE can be downloaded free here and any .pde file in this repo can be played by it, provided it is inside a folder of the same name (whether or not the .pde has supporting files or data in that folder).
#Major Assignments ###Assignment 1: draw a hero Draw a hero character using polygons, ellipses, rectangles, triangles, and lines. It should be somewhat detailed but does not need to use any curves.
###Assignment 2: draw your hero on a tiled background Draw your hero on a background that tiles seamlessly and rotates counter-clockwise at the mouse's location. The hero itself must also rotate in relation to horizontal mouse movement, and only be visible when the mouse is in the top half of the canvas.
###Assignment 3: make a game Make a game where the player controls a plane (or themed substitute of your choice) that follows the mouse. To win, they must pick up water from a lake, put out a fire with it, and return to the landing pad they started the game on. Use classes, dist() collision detection, and run a win or lose screen should the player succeed or fail.
###Assignment 4: kinetic typography TBA