
🖥 👩🏼‍💻 🏡 This application mocks the functionality of Airbnb

Primary LanguageRuby

Engineering Project I (Makersbnb)

I completed the task of building a Airbnb clone as part of my first team engineering project during the 5th week of the Makers bootcamp. This web application that allows users to list spaces they have available, and to hire spaces for the night

During this week I learnt:

  1. to work and communicate effectively as part of a team to build a web application.
  2. to break down projects into tasks/tickets and assign them to pairs/an individual.
  3. use agile ceremonies to organise your work and improve your processes.
  4. use the developer workflow to plan, implement and peer-review features.

Application features

  1. Any signed-up user can list a new space.
  2. Users can list multiple spaces.
  3. Users should be able to name their space, provide a short description of the space, and a price per night.
  4. Users should be able to offer a range of dates where their space is available.
  5. Any signed-up user can request to hire any space for one night, and this should be approved by the user that owns that space.
  6. Nights for which a space has already been booked should not be available for users to book that space.
  7. Until a user has confirmed a booking request, that space can still be booked for that night.

Technologies used

This application integrated a database using the pg gem and Repository classes. We implemented the web applications using Sinatra, RSpec, HTML and ERB views to make dynamic webpages.