gfycat Companion for Firefox desktop and mobile


The following tools must be installed before getting started.

Make sure adb (Android Debug Bridge) is available in $path.

  1. Clone this repo
  2. In the root folder type npm install. This will install the required node modules for the grunt tasks.
  3. Available grunt tasks:
  • grunt run_desktop - Default. Runs the add-on in a new desktop browser instance (see instructions below for using a browser profile).
  • grunt run_mobile - Runs the add-on in a new mobile browser instance.
  • grunt test_desktop - Runs browser tests.
  • grunt test_mobile - Runs mobile browser tests.
  • grunt lint - Runs jshint against the project's JavaScript files.
  • grunt release - Exports the .xpi's to the dist folder.

By default, 'run' and 'test' tasks uses '~/mozilla-profiles/gfycat-companion' as browser profile. This ensures a clean development enviorment and protects the the default profile. Add --profile=/path/to/profile-dir/ argument to the task in order to run the tasks with another profile.


grunt run_desktop --profile=/path/to/profile-dir/

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