
VOLLEY: A React Native app
Lauren Lee
Ada Developers Academy C[8] independent project

Problem Statement:

High school students must earn service hours to graduate. In fact, at the last school I taught, students had to do a total of 160 hours of community service, which is a lot! Schools provide students with databases of places to volunteer but they still moan and groan about not being able to find an organization. Resources like maps or websites exist but they don't seem to be utilized by teens. I wanted to create an app that essentially makes the search a little bit more fun for them to find volunteering opportunities! Another problem was that finding organizations that specifically allow underage volunteers could be difficult. This is a resource that filters specifically for agencies that accepts teen volunteers (as long as they have parental consent of course).

React Native Details:

Libraries / Dependencies utilized

  • React-Native-FontAwesome
  • React-Native-Swipe-Cards
  • React-Native-Vector-Icons
  • React-Native-Communications

User Demo:

Welcome Screen Tutorial Input user data
welcome tutorial userdata

Swipe Left for NO
Swipe Up for MAYBE
Swipe Right for YES

Match Page Navigate to External Link See matches and send email
matchpage navigation seematches


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