Space Hangman is a front-end web app with an out-of-this-world twist on the classic game.
- Javascript
- Bootstrap
Player starts the game by pressing any key. Placeholders for the letters of a random, space-themed word appear on the screen. The player may press any letter key in an attempt to correctly guess the word. If the guess is correct, the letter will replace the placeholder wherever it appears. If the guess is incorrect, the incorrect guess will populate under "letters aready guessed" and deduct from remaining guesses. The amount of times the game has been won is recoded at the top of the screen.
- Placeholders for letters that have not yet been guessed to display the word's length.
- A countdown of remaining guesses before losing.
- Displays all letters already guessed and does not deduct from the remaining guesses if already guessed.
- User gives input via key press.
- Maintains a history of high scores that displays games won.