This project is a React Web Application

Live version of site

Table of Contents

  1. The Purpose
  2. Technologies Used
  3. Features
  4. Display
  5. Future Work
  6. Testing

The Purpose

The purpose of this project was to demonstrate knowledge of React components, passing state and requests with the Spotify API to build a website which will allow users to search the Spotify library, create a custom playlist and save it to their personal Spotify account.

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • HTTP Request and Response
  • Authentication
  • Spotify API
  • Git
  • Netlify


  • Users can search for songs
  • Users can see information about each song, like title, artist and album
  • Users can export their custom playlist to their personal Spotify account


Jammming Website Preview

Jammming Website Snapshot

Future Work

  • Add album cover to songs
  • Display year of song/ album
  • Filter search by year / genre
  • Play preview button for each track will allow users to hear selected song of choice


Manual testing used for the below test cases.

Icons used to state outcome of test cases

  • ✅ - Passed Test

Test Case 1: Verify search bar input accepts text and button fetches data from Spotify

Expected Results

  • Typed text displays in search bar. ✅
  • Search icon fetches data typed in search bar from Spotify when clicked. ✅

Test Case 2: Verify tracks display in search results

Expected Results

  • When search button is clicked in search bar, the data fetched displays in search results relating to text typed in the search bar. ✅
  • Information displayed for each track shows title of song, artist and album. ✅

Test Case 3: Verify adding track to custom playlist

Expected Results

  • Clicking the + button in search results adds a new track to custom playlist. ✅
  • Able to add numerous tracks to custom playlist. ✅

Test Case 4: Verify removing track from custom playlist

Expected Results

  • Clicking the - button on custom playlist removes track. ✅
  • Able to remove numerous tracks until there are no more tracks in custom playlist.✅

Test Case 5: Verify scroll bar on App-playlists is enabled to display more tracks to users

Expected Results

  • When numerous tracks display in Search Results or Custom Playlist, a hidden scrollbar on the right side of Search Results & Custom Playlist is used to view more tracks. ✅

Test Case 6: Verify custom playlist name is editable

Expected Results

  • When playlist name is clicked, it is edited by typing text to create new name for custom playlist. ✅
  • New name of custom playlist saves, and it uploaded to Spotify when 'Save to Spotify' button is clicked.✅

Test Case 7: Verify 'Save to Spotify' button saves custom playlist

Expected Results

  • Clicking the 'Save to Spotify' button saves custom playlist to personal Spotify Account. ✅
  • Alert pops up on screen to say custom playlist was successfully saved. ✅


  • Custom Playlist will not save to Spotify if playlist has not been given a name. An alert will pop up informing user that playlist was not saved.