
Project created by CSCI 3308 Team 27, including Nels Anderson, Richard Au, Nicholas Erokhin, Graham Henry, Lauren Raddatz, and Nicholas Osterfelt.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Project created by CSCI 3308 Team 27, including Nels Anderson, Richard Au, Nicholas Erokhin, Graham Henry, Lauren Raddatz, and Nicholas Osterfelt.

Project Milestone 1 - Proposal

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Members Nels Anderson, Richard Au, Nicholas Erokhin, Graham Henry, Lauren Raddatz, and Nicholas Osterfelt
Description We will be using the Twitter Streaming API, Twitter Python API, and the Google map API to create a platform that maps users tweets based on keyword usage. The goal is to generate a real-time heatmap of a trend. A trend will be composed of multiple keywords, so every tweet containing one or more keywords will be mapped. Web app can be applied globally and locally. For example, keywords for a Decadence 2016 can be the following: Decadence, Bassnectar, Chainsmokers, Zeds Dead, (Including nearby hotels, specific location, new years, NYE).
Vision Statement Mapping trends geographically using data from social media.
Motivation Twitter produces massive amounts of data through its users. Many of these tweets can be used to analyze the spread of trends throughout the world. Whether it be to analyze the impact of a marketing campaign or analyze the progression of Harambe jokes.
Risks Google API harder to use than anticipated, database grows too quickly, Twitter cuts stream if application isn’t scaled to process that many tweets.
Risk Mitigation Plan Possible solution is to acquire the knowledge on how the API works early into the project. Monitor each step carefully minimizing the risks of errors.
Version Control GitHub (https://github.com/NickOsterfelt/TwitMap)
Software Development Methodology We plan to follow an Agile development method. This is because our group intends to have close, frequent cooperation and are focused on moving forward. As we get deeper into developing our app, unforeseen challenges may arise. The Agile Method allows for adaptation in our development methodology and schedule, even if there are late changes in our requirements.
Collaboration Tool Slack and Trello