
Hangman app for Android

Primary LanguageJava


author: Laurens Verspeek - 10184465

course: Native App Studios - Univeristy of Amsterdam

Hangman is an application for Android based on the classic Hangman game for the course Native App Studios

###How to run the Hangman android application###

  • Clone the repository: git clone git@github.com:laurensV/Hangman.git
  • Get Eclipse and the ADT plugin, see instructions here: http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing/installing-adt.html
  • Open Eclipse (eclipse.exe)
  • New > Project> Android > Android Project from Existing Code
  • Select the hangman app located in the cloned folder in the map 'Hangman'
  • Run the app on your mobile or set up a virtual android device and run it there.


  • placeholders for yet-unguessed letters that make clear the word’s length.
  • displays how many guesses left until you lose
  • displays all letters you already guessed
  • User can give input guesses via an on-screen keyboard.
  • app only accepts single alphabetical characters as valid input (case-insensitively).
  • Congratulation popup after you win
  • Changable settings, like the length of words to be guessed and the maximum number of incorrect guesses allowed
  • Option to start a new game in settings menu
  • Maintains a history of high scores that’s displayed anytime a game is won or lost.


###Mockups### ####Main Activity#### Hangman

####Settings#### Settings

####Highscores#### Highscores