bower install sparql-faceter
Include seco.facetedSearch
in your module dependenies:
angular.module('myApp', ['seco.facetedSearch'])
Setup in the controller:
var vm = this;
// Define facets
vm.facets = {
// Basic facet
'<>': {
name: 'Principal abode'
// Basic facet with labels in another service
'<>': {
name: 'Municipality of death',
service: '<>'
// Free-text facet
'<>': {
name: 'Name',
type: 'text'
// Time span facet
'<>' : {
name: 'Time of death',
type: 'timespan',
// start is the property that holds the value for the beginning of the time span
start: '<>',
// end is the property that holds the value for the end of the time span
end: '<>',
// min and max are the earliest and latest dates, respectively,
// that are displayed in the date selection popup
min: '1939-10-01',
max: '1989-12-31'
// Hierarchical facet
'<>': {
name: 'Rank',
type: 'hierarchy',
// property is the property path that defines the hierarchy
property: '<>*|(<>/<>*)',
// classes are the top level terms
classes: [
* "endpointUrl" is the SPARQL endpoint URL as an URI.
* "rdfClass" is the rdf:type of the resources that are the target of the faceted search.
* Instead of "rdfClass" (or in addition to it) you can use "constraint", which takes
* any triple pattern with "?s" as the subject. Both are optional, but you should
* probably define at least one of them, or you might get strange results.
* "preferredLang" is the language tag of the facet value labels for facet values
* that are resources.
* The label types currently supported are skos:prefLabel and rdfs:label.
* If a label with the given language tag is not found, a label with no tag
* is retrieved. If no label is found like this, the end of the resource URI is used
* as the label.
vm.facetOptions = {
endpointUrl: '<>',
rdfClass: '<>',
preferredLang : 'fi'
// Callback for facet selection change
vm.updateResults = function(facetSelections) {
vm.isLoadingResults = true;
// Do something with the selections ...
vm.isLoadingResults = false;
// Define when the facets should be disabled (to prevent async issues)
vm.disableFacets = function() {
return vm.isLoadingResults;
Then, in the template:
<facet-selector ng-if="vm.facets"
See the WarSampo casualties demo.
Simplistic demo using DBpedia: Demo, Demo repository (the code in the repo contains helpful comments)
You can also see the tool in action in the WarSampo photograph perspective.