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Twitter Bingo is a experiment created by Daniel McLaughlin, David Putney, and Andrew Ba Tran at the June 2014 #newshack hackathon. It's a scavenger hunt bingo game, played entirely through Twitter. Though it can be adapted to any theme or event, the demo we set up is @mbtabingo. To play, tweet at that account, and it'll tweet a card back at you. Each square on the card contains something you might see on the subway, and an identifying hashtag. To claim a square, take a picture and tweet it with the hashtag, mentioning @mbtabingo. There's a leaderboard, too.

###Install: (Tested on ubuntu 14. You'll need to create a twitter account, and a twitter app, and get the API keys set up. This is left as an excercise for the reader.) $ sudo apt-get install -y mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev git python-pip python-dev phantomjs

$ sudo pip install virtualenv

$ virtualenv ve $ . ve/bin/activate $ pip install -r requirements.txt

You'll need to hack the python twitter library a little-- uploading image data causes unicode problems. In ve/lib/python2.7/site-packages/twitter/api.py, comment out the seocnd line: "from future import unicode_literals"

You'll need to create a config.json file patterned after config-sample.json, but there are a lot of things that are still hardcoded in various python files. Sorry.

The html markup is fed from https://github.com/putneydm/newshack (not automatically)