
All of my presentations to user groups and other organisations.

Primary LanguagePowerShell



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Presentation Dates

Environment Setup

Many of the presentations have a demo environment that needs to be setup before it will work. Follow these steps.

  1. Check the README.md file the presentation folder you are going to setup. It may contain additional steps;
  2. Clone the environment-builds repository - 'git clone https://github.com/pauby/environment-builds`;
  3. Clone this repository - git clone https://github.com/pauby/presentations;
  4. Change to the cloned environment-builds repository = cd environment-builds;
  5. Create a symbolic link to the presentation folder you want to create the demo environment of inside the environment-builds folder and call it presentations - if you want to set up the demo environment of Automating the Software Deployment Lifecycle then do New-Item -ItemType Junction -Target 'Automating the Software Deployment Lifecycle' -Path environment-builds\presentations`;
  6. To allow us to use Vagrant we need a Vagrantfile. Create a symbolic link to the Vagrantfile.template file in environment-builds to the presentations folder we created above - New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink -Target environment-builds\Vagrantfile.template -Path environment-builds\presentations\Vagrantfile;
  7. Check the environment setup;