
Kurtosis is a composable build system for multi-container test environments. Kurtosis is designed for test environments that require dynamic setup logic (e.g. passing IPs or runtime-generated data between services) or programmatic data seeding.

Primary LanguageGoOtherNOASSERTION

What is Kurtosis?

Kurtosis is a composable build system for multi-container test environments. Kurtosis makes it easier for developers to set up test environments that require dynamic setup logic (e.g. passing IPs or runtime-generated data between services) or programmatic data seeding.

To read more about "why Kurtosis?", go here.

To read about the architecture, go here.

Running Kurtosis


Follow the instructions here.


Kurtosis create ephemeral multi-container environments called enclaves using Starlark. These can be bundled together into packages. Let's run one now:

kurtosis run github.com/kurtosis-tech/awesome-kurtosis/redis-voting-app
INFO[2023-03-28T15:27:31-03:00] Creating a new enclave for Starlark to run inside...
INFO[2023-03-28T15:27:34-03:00] Enclave 'nameless-fjord' created successfully

> print msg="Spinning up the Redis Package"
Spinning up the Redis Package

> add_service service_name="redis" config=ServiceConfig(image="redis:alpine", ports={"client": PortSpec(number=6379, transport_protocol="TCP")})
Service 'redis' added with service UUID '3ca8b4c1c8344b2c96be1b988ba12a02'

> add_service service_name="voting-app" config=ServiceConfig(image="mcr.microsoft.com/azuredocs/azure-vote-front:v1", ports={"http": PortSpec(number=80, transport_protocol="TCP")}, env_vars={"REDIS": "{{kurtosis:5045f2098e4846b88efefbf2689b5538:hostname.runtime_value}}"})
Service 'voting-app' added with service UUID '8a8c18860df1440ca7bdc96fd511fb2a'

Starlark code successfully run. No output was returned.
INFO[2023-03-28T15:28:08-03:00] =======================================================
INFO[2023-03-28T15:28:08-03:00] ||          Created enclave: nameless-fjord          ||
INFO[2023-03-28T15:28:08-03:00] =======================================================
Name:            nameless-fjord
UUID:            6babc3090ad0
Status:          RUNNING
Creation Time:   Tue, 28 Mar 2023 15:27:31 -03

========================================= Files Artifacts =========================================
UUID   Name

========================================== User Services ==========================================
UUID           Name         Ports                                 Status
3ca8b4c1c834   redis        client: 6379/tcp ->   RUNNING
8a8c18860df1   voting-app   http: 80/tcp ->       RUNNING

If this piqued your interest, you might like our quickstart.

More Examples

Further examples can be found in our awesome-kurtosis repo.

Contributing to Kurtosis

Expand to see contribution info

See our CONTRIBUTING file.

Repository Structure

This repository is structured as a monorepo, containing the following projects:

  • container-engine-lib: Library used to abstract away container engine being used by the enclave.
  • core: Container launched inside an enclave to coordinate its state
  • engine: Container launched to coordinate enclaves
  • api: Defines the API of the Kurtosis platform (engine and core)
  • cli: Produces CLI binary, allowing interaction with the Kurtosis system
  • docs: Documentation that is published to docs.kurtosis.com
  • internal_testsuites: End to end tests

Dev Dependencies

To build Kurtosis itself, you must have the following installed:

Bash (5 or above) + Git

On MacOS:

# Install modern version of bash, the one that ships on MacOS is too old
brew install bash
# Allow it as shell
echo "${BREW_PREFIX}/bin/bash" | sudo tee -a /etc/shells
# Optional: make bash your default shell
chsh -s "${BREW_PREFIX}/bin/bash"
# Install modern version of git, the one that ships on MacOS is too old
brew install git


On MacOS:

brew install docker

Go (1.18 or above)

On MacOS:

brew install go@1.18


On MacOS:

brew install goreleaser/tap/goreleaser

Node (16.14 or above) and Yarn

On MacOS, using NVM:

brew install nvm
mkdir ~/.nvm
nvm install 16.14.0
npm install -g yarn

Go and Typescript protobuf compiler binaries

On MacOS:

brew install protoc-gen-go
brew install protoc-gen-go-grpc
brew install protoc-gen-grpc-web
npm install -g ts-protoc-gen
npm install -g grpc-tools


On MacOS:

brew install filosottile/musl-cross/musl-cross

Build Instructions

To build the entire project, run:


To only build a specific project, run the script on ./PROJECT/PATH/script/build.sh, for example:


If there are any changes to the Protobuf files in the api subdirectory, the Protobuf bindings must be regenerated:

$ ./api/scripts/regenerate-protobuf-bindings.sh

Build scripts also run unit tests as part of the build process.

Unit Test Instructions

For all Go modules, run go test ./... on the module folder. For example:

cd cli/cli/
go test ./...

E2E Test Instructions

Each project's build script also runs the unit tests inside the project. Running ./script/build.sh will guarantee that all unit tests in the monorepo pass.

To run the end-to-end tests:

  1. Make sure Docker is running
$ docker --version
Docker version X.Y.Z
  1. Make sure Kurtosis Engine is running
$ kurtosis engine status
A Kurtosis engine is running with the following info:
Version:   0.X.Y
  1. Run test.sh script
$ ./internal_testsuites/scripts/test.sh

If you are developing the Typescript test, make sure that you have first built api/typescript. Any changes made to the Typescript package within api/typescript aren't hot loaded as of 2022-09-29.

Dev Run Instructions

Once the project has built, run ./cli/cli/scripts/launch_cli.sh as if it was the kurtosis command:

./cli/cli/scripts/launch_cli.sh enclave add

If you want tab completion on the recently built CLI, you can alias it to kurtosis:

alias kurtosis="$(pwd)/cli/cli/scripts/launch_cli.sh"
kurtosis enclave add

Community and support

Kurtosis is a free and source-available product maintained by the Kurtosis team. We'd love to hear from you and help where we can. You can engage with our team and our community in the following ways: