
Primary LanguagePythonCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0

Epic Kitchens United

Scripts to parse the official EPIC-KITCHENS 100 (EK) and EPIC-SOUNDS (ES) annotations to a single csv file.

To achieve this, the resulting rows in the csv describe the actions and sounds that occur in a fixed-size temporal window.

Example parsed annotations also included.

To install and prepare

git clone https://github.com/iranroman/epic-kitchens-united.git

cd epic-kitchens-united

pip install -e .

Also, if you haven't please also clone the EK and ES annotations:

git clone https://github.com/epic-kitchens/epic-kitchens-100-annotations

git clone https://github.com/epic-kitchens/epic-sounds-annotations

How to use:

We provide a script that parses user inputs via the command line. To use it run



  • DT: the temporal window size (or timestep), in miliseconds
  • VID_ID: the ID of the video you want to generate annotations for
  • NEW_FILEPATH: the path and filename where the output will be generated
  • EK_ANN_PATH: the path to the original EK annotation csv
  • ES_ANN_PATH: the path to the original ES annotation csv
  • EK_COLUMN_NAME_LIST: a list with names of EK columns that we want in the output csv
    • possible column names are: narration_id, participant_id, video_id, narration_timestamp, start_timestamp, stop_timestamp, start_frame, stop_frame, narration, verb, verb_class, noun, noun_class, all_nouns, all_noun_classes
    • see the official EPIC-KITCHENS 100 repo for more details about each column's meaning
  • ES_COLUMN_NAME_LIST: a list with names of ES columns that we want in the output csv
    • possible column names are: annotation_id, participant_id, video_id, start_timestamp, stop_timestamp, start_sample, stop_sample, description, class, class_id
    • see the official EPIC-SOUNDS 100 repo for more details about each column's meaning

Specific example use:

python main.py 500 P01_103 out_example.csv epic-kitchens-100-annotations/EPIC_100.csv epic-sounds-annotations/EPIC_Sounds_train.csv  "['narration_id','verb','all_nouns','verb_class','all_noun_classes']" "['annotation_id','class','class_id']"

You can also generate output files by writing a python script:

import epic_kitchens_united as eku

dt = 500 
vid_id = P01_103 
new_filepath = 'out_example.csv' 
ek_old_filepath = 'epic-kitchens-100-annotations/EPIC_100.csv' 
es_old_filepath = 'epic-sounds-annotations/EPIC_Sounds_train.csv'
ek_column_name_list = "['narration_id','verb','all_nouns','verb_class','all_noun_classes']" 
es_column_name_list = "['annotation_id','class','class_id']"

eku.merge_csv(dt, vid_id, new_filepath, ek_old_filepath, es_old_filepath, ek_column_name_list, es_column_name_list)

Pre-computed files

We also provide pre-computed output files for convenience. You can find them under EKU_generated_annotations:

  • EK_ES_train_allcols_1sec.csv

  • EK_ES_val_allcols_1sec.csv

  • EK_ES_train_minimalcols_1sec.csv

  • EK_ES_val_minimalcols_1sec.csv

  • allcols includes all columns originally found in EK and ES

  • minimalcols only includes EK: narration_id, participant_id, video_id, verb, verb_class, noun, noun_class and ES: annotation_id, description, class, class_id


Shield: CC BY 4.0

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

CC BY 4.0