
Kudos Board application that allows users to create themed boards and leave praise and notes of encouragement to other users.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Unit Assignment: Kudos Board

Submitted by: LAUREN PRYOR

Deployed Application (optional): Kudos Board Deployed Site

Application Features


  • [X ] Home Page

    • [X ] Displays header, banner, search, board grid, and footer.
    • [ X] Displays preview of all boards on initial page load.
      • [X ] Boards previews should show an image/gif and board title.
    • [ X] Users can click on a category (recent, celebration, thank you, inspiration) to filter the boards.
      • [X ] Recent displays most recently created boards.
      • [ X] Other categories display boards of that type.
    • [X ] Users can search for a board by name.
    • [X ] Users can click on a board to navigate to a new page containing that board.
    • [ X] Users can create a new board.
      • X[ ] Boards should have a title, category, and author (optional).
    • [ X] User can delete boards.
  • [ X] Board Page

    • [X ] Displays a list of all cards for a board.
      • [X ] Each card features a text message.
      • [X ] Each card features a gif found using the GIPHY API.
      • [ X] Users can optionally sign the card as the author.
  • [X ] Cards can be upvoted.

  • [ X] Cards can be deleted.


  • User Accounts
    • Users should be able to log in with a username and password.
    • Users should be able to sign up for a new account.
    • [X ] Boards and cards should be associated with a user.
      • [ X] Anonymous cards or cards by guest users should still be allowed.
    • Add a new filter option on the home page to display only the current user's boards.
    • Allow boards to be deleted only if they are owned by the user.
  • [X ] Deployment
    • [ X] Website is deployed via Render.
  • Comments
    • Users should be able to comment on cards.

Walkthrough Video



  • Did the topics discussed in your labs prepare you to complete the assignment? Be specific, which features in your weekly assignment did you feel unprepared to complete?

    Yes, especially compared to previous weeks. What especially helped me was the live coding demo, which went through CRUD. So, setting up the database and the prisma file was pretty chill. However, I felt unprepared to connect the frontend to the backend, despite feeling comfortable in those parts separately. Additionally, I felt unprepared to depoloy on Render as this was never gone over and the instructions had many errors in them.

  • If you had more time, what would you have done differently? Would you have added additional features? Changed the way your project responded to a particular event, etc.

I would have added commenting as an additional feature. However, I really liked the setup and organizaiton of my repository. All of my code, stylistically, was very clean. Additionally, I tried to do the simplest implementations for all of the full stack development. However, I would add more to the UX/UI. Perhaps visual cues when you select a gif, making the footer look nice, hover/select effects. These things, though, in comparison to understanding things like Routing, middleware, and CRUD, seemed trivial.

  • Reflect on your project demo, what went well? Were there things that maybe didn't go as planned? Did you notice something that your peer did that you would like to try next time?

I did really well in managing my time and working very iteratively, testing my code as I went. I felt really proud that I was able to deploy via Render. Again, I would like to add commenting, as well as login/sign-up specific things, like being able to login with a username and password, only delete boards/cards that you created, and see the cards that you upvoted.

Open-source libraries used


Shout out

Shoutout to Jackie who saw that I was frustrated on Thursday, and talked to me for a bit and got my mind off of the stress of the project. Also, helped me understand better how to debug and read documentation.