Creates a .ics file that you can import in google calendar or iCalendar.
Install the icalendar module
easy_install icalendar
Describe your timetable in a text file (see FMI 134.txt
- first line the start and end dates of the semester
17 02 2014 23 05 2014
- second line the start and end dates of the exam period
24 05 2014 13 06 2014
- the next lines describe the classes in your timetable
Algebra (S) - 214
2 18 20 2
* first line is a summary:
* the name of the class
* the type of the class (S for seminar, C for course etc.)
* and the classroom (214)
* second line is a description:
* day of the week (0 - monday, 1 - friday, ...)
* start and end hour (18-20)
* (optional) even or odd week (1 for odd, 2 for even)
./convert < [configfile] > [outputfile.ics]
./convert < FMI\ 134.txt > FMI\ 134.ics