
Grunt task to run shell commands

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Grunt task to run shell commands.

E.g. compile Compass (compass compile) or get the current git branch (git branch).

Getting started

Install this grunt plugin next to your project's grunt.js gruntfile with: npm install grunt-shell

Then add this line to your project's grunt.js gruntfile:



Example usage

This grunt task is a multi task, which means you can specify multiple subtasks and grunt will iterate over them. The dist below is a subtask, you could e.g. create a dev subtask to handle stuff while developing. You can also add a special subtask named _options that can contain options for all your subtasks.

Run command

Create a folder named test.

shell: {
	make_directory: {
		command: 'mkdir test'

Run command and display output

Output a directory listing to your Terminal.

shell: {
	directory_listing: {
		command: 'ls',
		stdout: true

Run command and handle output

Do whatever you want with the stdout.

function log() {
	console.log( this );


shell: {
	directory_listing: {
		command: 'ls',
		stdout: log

Option passed to the .exec() method

Run a command in another directory. In this example we run it in a subfolder using the cwd option.

shell: {
	subfolder_ls: {
		command: 'ls',
		stdout: true,
		execOptions: {
			cwd: './tasks'

Custom callback

Define custom callback method to handle everything yourself. Check out shell.js to see how it's handled by default.

function customHandler() {
	console.log( this, this.data.stdout );


shell: {
	ls: {
		command: 'ls',
		callback: customHandler

Multiple subtasks

This task is a multi task, which means you can specify multiple subtasks and grunt will iterate over them.

shell: {
	directory_listing: {
		command: 'ls',
		stdout: true
	compile_coffescript: {
		command: 'coffee main.coffee',
		failOnError: true

Global options

You can define global options in a subtask called _options. Your subtasks will then inherit those options with the ability to override them.

shell: {
	directory_listing: {
		command: 'ls',
		stdout: true
	create_folder: {
		command: 'mkdir test',
		failOnError: false
	_options: {
		failOnError: true



Accepts: String

Your command is my wish.


Default: false
Accepts: Boolean / Function

Show stdout in the Terminal. You can supply a function to handle the output.


Default: false
Accepts: Boolean / Function

Show stderr in the Terminal. You can supply a function to handle the output.


Default: false
Accepts: Boolean

Fail task if it encounters an error.


Default: undefined
Accepts: Object

Specify some options to be passed to the .exec() method:

  • cwd String Current working directory of the child process
  • env Object Environment key-value pairs
  • setsid Boolean
  • encoding String (Default: 'utf8')
  • timeout Number (Default: 0)
  • maxBuffer Number (Default: 200*1024)
  • killSignal String (Default: 'SIGTERM')


Default: undefined
Accepts: Function

Lets you override the default callback with your own. Everything you need is available on this.


Grunt currently doesn't have a way to test tasks directly. You can test this task by running grunt and manually verify that it works.


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style.


MIT License (c) Sindre Sorhus