The New You - training and nutrition web app

This repository is a clone of our private repository with no commit history to protect sensitive data.


The Training and Nutrition Application is a web app which allows users to participate in Challenges to achieve optimal weight and a strong body. The application provides users with a mandatory training and nutrition plan on a daily basis and necessary tips. The training and nutrition plans are created in the admin view using our own custom CMS.

Presentation Video

YouTube link


User view screenshot Admin view screenshot


To run this application you need:

  • Version of JDK 8
  • PostgreSQL with settings: hostname: localhost port: 5432 username: postgres password: root
  • Angular
  • npm
  • Node.js

Getting started

  • Checkout the git repository and import the project into IntelliJ as Gradle project

  • The default Spring profile is prod. To activate profiles dev or test via command-line use: the Java system property java -jar profiles-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar.

    Make sure that its running successfully. Now the backend is ready to serve the contents to the frontend. Our dev and test environments are running on localhost:8081.

  • Navigate to the "angular" directory and install the necessary packages for the angular application using: npm install

  • Now start the frontend application using: npm start

  • Navigate to the page http://localhost:4200

  • Login as an admin: username (kasutajanimi): Stan password (salasõna): test


  • Admin (personal trainer) The super user with access to all functionality
  • Customer (trainee) Access to the training and nutrition plans, tips and community.

Running the tests

Integration tests are used to check if different modules are working fine when combined together as a group. Individual units of source code are tested by unit tests used JUnit and Mockito. During tests an in-memory database is used.


Technologies Used


  • Spring Boot - Java-based open-source back-end framework
  • Spring Security - authentication and access-control framework
  • Spring WebSocket - connection between a web browser and a server
  • Spring Email - email sending from spring application
  • Gradle - Dependency Management
  • JUnit and Mockito -testing frameworks


  • Angular - JavaScript-based open-source front-end web framework
  • Angular Material- Design components
  • STOMP with SockJS - messaging protocol
  • HammerJS - touch gestures


  • PostgreSQL - database management system (with H2 for unit testing)


  • Stanislav - Team Lead, Full-Stack
  • Lauri - Full-Stack
  • Õnne - Full-Stack


Hatef Palizgar - the best Java trainer