
Immersive Sim Template Project for GODOT 4

Primary LanguageGDScriptMIT LicenseMIT



GodotEngine COGITO beta 202404.01

What is it?

COGITO is a first Person Immersive Sim Template Project for Godot Engine 4. In comparison to other first person assets out there, which focus mostly on shooter mechanics, COGITO focuses on providing a framework for creating interactable objects and items.

COGITO is made by Philip Drobar with help from these contributors.

Principles of this template

The structure of this template always tries to adhere to the following principles:

  • Complete: When you download COGITO and press play, you get a functioning project out of the box. Game menu, save slot select, options and a playable level are all included.
  • Versatile: Wether your game is set in the future, the past or the present, use melee, projectile or no weapons at all, have low poly, stylized or realistic graphics, the template will have features for you.
  • Modular: Do not want to use a feature? You will be able to hide it, ignore it or strip it out without breaking COGITO. At the same time, COGITO is designed to be extendable with your own custom features or other add-ons.
  • Approachable: While there will always be a learning curve, we strive to make COGTIO approachable and intuitive to use, so it doesn't get in your way of making your game.

Current Features

  • First person player controller with:
    • Sprinting, jumping, crouching, sliding, stairs handling, ladder handling
    • Fully customizable attributes like Health, Stamina, Visibility (for stealth) - Component-based, so easy to add your own.
    • Lots of exposed properties to tweak to your liking (speeds, headbob, fall damage, bunnyhop, etc.)
    • Easy-to-use dynamic footstep sound system
  • Inventory System
    • Flexible resource-based inventories
    • Inventory UI separate from inventory logic
    • Examples for multiple item types (consumables, keys, ammo, weapons, combinable Items)
    • Base class to easily add your custom item types
  • Interaction System
    • Component-based interactions makes it easy to turn your own objects interactive quickly and customize existing ones
    • Examples for interactive objects like doors, drawers, carryables, turn-wheels, elevators, readable objects, keypads
  • Quest System
  • Save and Load System as well as scene persistency
  • Full gamepad support!
  • Fully featured Demo Scene
    • Set up like a game level including a variety of objects, weapons and quests
    • In-game helper documents that explain how objects in the scene were set up


COGITO is still under active develompent. While some features are pretty much set, others might change soon. Use at your own risk and check Issues and Discussion pages for more information.


(OLD) Video giving an overview of features: COGITO Overview

COGITO Sliding door from scratch COGITO Wieldables Overview

Thanks and Contributions

License and Credits

  • This add-on is published under the MIT license.
  • You can use this add-on in your projects, personal or commercial, as long as you credit us (mostly cause I'd love to see what people use it for!)
  • About the game assets under the COGITO/assets folder:
    • 3D models are by Kenney (https://www.kenney.nl/) or made by me.
    • Audio is either by Kenney or from freesound.org used under CC0 or MIT license
    • Water feature sound is by poyekhali from freesound.org used under CC3.0 license.
    • Cloud HDR (kloofendal_48d_partly_cloudy_puresky)2k.hdr by Greg Zaal, used under CC0.
    • All other included assets either made by me or one of the contributors, published under MIT.