Easy Scrobbler PHP Last.fm Audioscrobbler client class. Features * Get user profile * 50 most played artists from a music profile * 50 most played albums from a music profile * 50 most played tracks from a music profile * Most used tags by a music profile * Friends added to profile * People with similar taste to profile * Recently played tracks for profile * Most recent weekly artist chart * Most recent weekly album chart * Most recent weekly track chart * Caching support Usage require_once 'easy_scrobbler.class.php'; $scrobbler = new EasyScrobbler('myusername'); // get tracks array $list = $scrobbler->getWeeklyTrackChart(); // just to see what is in array - dump :) You could do something more useful. var_dump($list); © Laurynas Butkus (laurynas.butkus at gmail.com), 2006