
Plugins by Clement Levallois for Gephi

Primary LanguageJava

#Plugins for Gephi

License for all plugins: GPL v3

In this repository are listed the plugins I created for Gephi. See the Gephi Marketplace for the ready-to-use versions of these plugins.

##1. Alphabetical Sorter (2012) This plugin is helpful to neatly sort and put apart isolated nodes floating around, before an export to SVG or PNG.
See the Gephi Marketplace for details.

##2. Force Atlas 3D (2013)

Force Atlas 2 is a layout for Gephi created by Mathieu Jacomy et al., scalable to 10,000 nodes and more.
Force Atlas 3D extends it to 3 dimensions instead of 2.
See the Gephi Marketplace for details.

##3. Maps of Countries (2013)

Take a country, continent or the entire world map and display it with Gephi. Useful to serve as a background for geolocalized networks. Latest version: 1.4.1 (2015). Includes Australian states and allows for the control of the thickness of the lines. See the Gephi Marketplace for details.

##4. Excel / csv converter to network (2013)

Import an Excel spreadsheet or csv file into Gephi, and creates networks based on co-occurrences in each line of the file. Can also create dynamic networks since version 1.4. See the Gephi Marketplace for details.

##5. Give color to your nodes (2013)

Reads a node attribute that contains RGB or #hex values, and colors nodes accordingly. See the Gephi Marketplace for details.

##6. Scientometrics Overlay Toolkit (2013)

Overlays bibliographical references onto a map of science, a la Loet Leydesdorf et al.
This plugin works but is not finalized. Not available on the Gephi Marketplace, but please do contact me if you'd need to use it.

##7. Gephi Similarity Computer (2014)

Creates a network based on the similarity between entities. Reads a csv file containing a list of entities with their features, and creates a network that is directly imported into Gephi.
See the Gephi Marketplace for details.

##8. Give colors to your edges (2015)

Reads an edge attribute that contains RGB or #hex values, and colors edges accordingly. See the Gephi Marketplace for details.

###Citing any of these plugins in a publication Please reference these plugins in your publications when making use of them. Citation format is:
Levallois, Clement [year of release of the plugin]. [Plugin name], Plugins-For-Gephi, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.17717
Levallois, Clement (2013). Excel/csv converter to network, Plugins-For-Gephi, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.17717

Any feedback, feature requests and bug reports are welcome!
Please open an issue here on Github or contact me through http://www.clementlevallois.net