
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Meet App

To build a serverless, progressive web application (PWA) with React using a test-driven development (TDD) technique. The application uses the Google Calendar API to fetch upcoming events.


As a user, I would like to be able to filter events by city so that I can see the list of events that take place in that city.

SCENARIO 1: WHEN USER HASN’T SEARCHED FOR A CITY, SHOW UPCOMING EVENTS FROM ALL CITIES. Given user hasn’t searched for any city When the user opens the app Then the user should see a list of all upcoming events

SCENARIO 2: USER SHOULD SEE A LIST OF SUGGESTIONS WHEN THEY SEARCH FOR A CITY. Given the main page is open When user starts typing in the city textbox Then the user should see a list of cities (suggestions) that match what they’ve typed

SCENARIO 3: USER CAN SELECT A CITY FROM THE SUGGESTED LIST. Given the user was typing “Berlin” in the city textbox And the list of suggested cities is showing When the user selects a city (e.g., “Berlin, Germany”) from the list Then their city should be changed to that city (i.e., “Berlin, Germany”) And the user should receive a list of upcoming events in that city


As a user, I would like to be able to show/hide event details so that I can see more/less information about an event.

Scenario 1: An event element is collapsed by default Given The user is on main page When a user select and event Then an element collapsed by default

Scenario 2: User can expand an event to see its details Given user is seeing the events When a user choose and event and click on it Then an element expand with details

Scenario 3: User can collapse an event to hide its details Given user user is seeing the events When a user click on the event details Then the element details hide


As a user, I would like to be able to specify the number of events I want to view in the app so that I can see more or fewer events in the events list at once.

Scenario 1: When user hasn’t specified a number, 32 is the default number Given user open the app When user look for an event Then 32 events max will be shown

Scenario 2: User can change the number of events they want to see Given user open the app When a user click on the event details Then the element details hide


As a user, I would like to be able to use the app when offline so that I can see the events I viewed the last time I was online.

SCENARIO 1: user app when offline. Given the user has no internet connection. When user wants to use the app Then the user should see cached data.

Scenario2: Show error when user changes the settings (city, time range). Give the user has no internet connection. When user goes to settings and try to changes city and/or time range Then show error an error message.


As a user, I would like to be able to see a chart showing the upcoming events in each city so that I know what events are organized in which city.

Scenario 1: Show a chart with the number of upcoming events in each city Give user looking for events in general When user clicks on a map Then show a chart with the number of upcoming events in each city