
please add Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy

evgeni opened this issue · 5 comments


Ubuntu 22.04 LTS was released ( and it would be cool if you could again provide boxes for it!


ladar commented

Hi @evgeni I'm hoping too soon. I was planning on adding Ubuntu 22.04 along with Fedora 36, but the latter keeps getting delayed.

I pushed an initial 22.04 config to the repo, in case you'd like to help test the new config and submit any fixes/improvements back as a pull request. Assuming you have packer setup, run:

git clone && cd robox
./ box generic-ubuntu2204-libvirt

Substitute libvirt for vmware|virtualbox|parallels|hyperv as appropriate...

Thanks @ladar!

I'll see if I find some cycles today/tomorrow to give it a spin!

let's start with #239 ;-)

abbbi commented

Built the images and they seem to work fine. It however looks like ubuntu 2204 has snapd enabled by default ([1]), would it make sense to remove it from the images?


ladar commented

In case it isn't obvious, the 22.04 config is essentially a copy of the 21.10 config with a bit of string replacement. So the things to be on the lookout for, are any changes that don't get caught automatically by the regular expressions. Particularly anything new/removed that we need/should account for...