- 7
Add Ubuntu 24.04 box
#301 opened by luispabon - 0
Create artix linux as well
#307 opened by Pierre-Gronau-ndaal - 4
Update of OpenBSD7
#305 opened by schurzi - 5
- 0
Official namespace on HashiCorp Cloud?
#306 opened by RafalSkolasinski - 1
- 0
Consider adding a licence
#304 opened by Qwarctick - 1
netplan produces warnings on Ubuntu 22.04
#296 opened by evgeni - 0
MacOS / VMware Fusion / generic/debian12 - vmware-toolbox-cmd says: shrinking is disabled
#302 opened by fredowski - 10
macOS arm64 boxen?
#256 opened by darkn3rd - 1
Ubuntu 22.04 initial up - systemd-networkd timeout (additional networks)
#289 opened by ryan-ronnander - 0
freebsd14 box, please enable ACLs
#298 opened by ThomasWaldmann - 0
- 0
apt-get upgrade on Ubuntu 20.04 box fails because there is not enough space in /boot
#294 opened by evgeni - 4
- 0
Request: maestro box
#292 opened by mcandre - 0
Alpine libvirt boxes don't boot
#291 opened by fkrull - 1
- 4
#288 opened by abbbi - 2
- 1
VMware Fusion boxes?
#269 opened by FranklinYu - 6
- 1
openSUSE 15.5 released
#277 opened by peterdd - 1
- 1
- 4
Alpine 3.18 vagrant hyper-v box request.
#273 opened by elico - 0 requesting refund
#278 opened by unslow - 0
Cannot SHH into OpenBSD Using Private Key Only
#275 opened by biggusbeetus - 0
Cloud-Init support
#272 opened by btall - 0
Can not create Ubuntu 2004 Box
#270 opened by tinntvs - 0
- 3
Fedora 37 is CentOS 8
#267 opened by defiguero55 - 4
FreeBSD11: LetsEncrypt certificate update
#266 opened by ole-tange - 2
- 2
Locale not set properly for EL8 Vagrantboxes (centos8, centos8s, alma8, rocky8, oracle8)
#262 opened by stdevel - 8
- 3
- 0
- 2
- 6
#253 opened by jacksonporter - 3
Which is the root password ?
#254 opened by txsastre - 0
Unable to run podman container on CentOS Stream 9
#258 opened by mohd-akram - 0
roboxes/rocky8 has IPv6 disabled
#255 opened by zachad - 5
please add Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy
#238 opened by evgeni - 1
openSUSE 15.4 released
#248 opened by peterdd - 8
instructions for how to build hyperv box?
#249 opened by TonyApuzzo - 6
- 2
Request Pop!_OS box
#246 opened by BartKeulen - 5
How can I reconfigure and reduce the rhel8 box use smaller root/disk size and push it to vagrant cloud
#237 opened by hethkar - 1