Which is the root password ?
txsastre opened this issue · 3 comments
txsastre commented
Hi, I'm trying a Centos 7.9
Which is the root password ? The normal user is vagrant/vagrant, but it lacks of root powers.
Thank you
timschumi commented
It may not have one (as in "the account is inaccessible"). Is passwordless sudo
not set up?
txsastre commented
yep, with sudo everyone is happy :)
ladar commented
The root password is randomized at the end of the box build process and the account locked. To get root access you'd need to login as the vagrant user (the password is vagrant by default, something I don't particularly like but is the convention with Vagrant box images), then sudo up to root, and your own password that is specific to your VM. Once you do that you can unlock the root account login as root.