Welcome to Freecycle Geocoder

Freecycle Geocoder is a rails app that maps out Portland Freecycle offers to support the use of freecycle in a format that is geared towards easy mobility. Our hope is that this app can be used in conjunction with freecycle and help its group members use the information to find offers in a more reasonable scope ie distance.

To use this opensource application (as is) you must be a member of the freecycle portland group and create a lib/mail_config.rb file with your credentials in this format:

module FreeCycleMap

  :user_name => "username",
  :password => "password" }
  :server => "mailserver",
  :group => "freecycle mailing list email address" }


Console command to kick start “whenever” gem magic: bundle exec whenever -w

Console command to end “whenever” cron job: bundle exec whenever -c

This is a student project built in the Portland Code School spring session. This project is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by freecycle.org