
A simple social media scraper for denmark

Primary LanguagePython


A simple social media scraper for Denmark

Files Description

  • yt_channels_list.json: This file contains a list of youtube channels scraped from Social Bakers in JSON format.

  • fb_pages_list.json: This file contains a list of facebook pages scraped from Social Bakers in JSON format.

  • app /

    • facebook_script.py: This script uses facebook graph api to fetch posts and comments from the pages listed in fb_pages_list.json file. This script also saves the results as django models into postgres database.
    • youtube_script.py: This script uses youtube data api to fetch comments from all the videos from all the channels listed in yt_channels_list.json. This script also saves the results as django models into postgres database.
    • yt_channels_list.py: This script works if yt_channels_list.json is unavailable, in that case, the script fetches the survey from social bakers website and restores youtube channels list into the same json file.
    • fb_pages_list.py: This script works if fb_pages_list.json is unavailable, in that case, the script fetches the survey from social bakers website and restores the facebook pages list into the same json file.
    • forms.py: This file contains django forms for displaying on homepage.
    • models.py: This file contains django models for storing results after fetching data about pages and channels from facebook and youtube respectively.
    • views.py: This file contains view function about updating the entire database.
  • dkmentions /

    • prod_settings.py: This file contains database settings for production environment.
    • settings.py: This file contains database settings for local development environment.
    • urls.py: This file contains url patterns for the website.
    • views.py: This file contains all the views for the application except update view.