
Implementation of PFLD(Paper: "A Practical Facial Landmark Detector") by pytorch.

Primary LanguagePython


Implementation of PFLD(Paper: "A Practical Facial Landmark Detector") by pytorch.

1. requirements

pytorch v1.1.0

torchvision v0.4.0

numpy v1.16.2


2. Data Preparation

  • Download WFLW Dataset from here.

    Wider Facial Landmarks in-the-wild (WFLW) contains 10000 faces (7500 for training and 2500 for testing) with 98 fully manual annotated landmarks.

  • Download WFLW annotation from here.

  • Unzip above two packages and put them on ./dataPrepare/WFLW/

  • move Mirror98.txt to ``./dataPrepare/WFLW/WFLW_annotations`

  • run ./dataPrepare/SetPreparation.py and ./dataPrepare/transform_data.py sequentially.

3. train

  • run ./train.py --dataset_dir ./dataPrepare. You might change param '--dataset_dir' if you unzip datasets to another dir.
  • Training log information will be saved in ./checkpoints/log.txt by default.
  • Weight of model will also be saved in ./checkpoints every 5 epoch by default.

4. test

  • run ./test.py --dataset_dir ./dataPrepare/test_data/imgs.
  • You can put your imgs in ./dataPrepare/test_data/imgs to test your imgs.

5. reference

PFLD: A Practical Facial Landmark Detector
