
Experimental PPTP VPN server written in NodeJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple PPTP VPN server I started working on for a project, but ultimately abandoned. Maybe this will be useful for someone.


  • No authentication; credentials are not requested.
  • No encryption.
  • IPv4 only.
  • Unreliable handshake. No retransmission is implemented so if there is a single missed packet the handshake will timeout.
  • After established, though, the connection is fairly reliable.
  • Only tested with, and probably only works with, OS X clients.
  • Runs on OS X & Linux

Note that the VPN does not create a network device on the server for incoming clients. Instead the client is simply a NodeJS object that you can send and receive IPv4 frames to directly. If you want to create a network device for your client (say for IP forwarding via iptables MASQ) you can use tun/tap fairly easily. All clients are assigned a hardcoded IP address of and expect a gateway of, though these selections are arbitrary.

Also note that connecting to a VPN server on localhost seems to be broken on OS X. If you connect through the handshake will fail completely. If you connect through another IP address the VPN connection is successfully created but the kernel doesn't seem to like routing GRE frames from a loopback device. I tried very hard to work around this and it seems like a problem inherent to the Darwin kernel; this was the main reason I abandoned the project. I guess there's not really many reasons for anyone to connect to a PPTP server on localhost.

Included in the repository is a VPN server which will send ping responses from any host you ping. All other frames are ignored.



git clone https://github.com/laverdet/node-pptp.git
cd node-pptp
npm install # installs raw-socket & pcap npm modules; required for VPN
sudo node example # root is required


  • Account Name: anything
    • Encryption: None
    • Authentication Settings...
      • Password: anything
marcel@marcel ~ $ ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=71.156 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=72.612 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=72.775 ms