- 1
Dynamic Dom
#42 opened by qammarzaheer - 1
How to add a i18n label in a js file
#41 opened by jijoamt - 1
Not compatible with angular 1.3
#40 opened by irshad-gouri - 0
getLocalizedString filter returns an array!
#38 opened by abods - 8
i18n filter
#37 opened by alkos - 1
Wrong URL for resources-locale_default.js
#20 opened by oskarnrk - 0
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- 3
Localization of images
#29 opened by MarkAPhillips - 3
Fall back on default resource file when key is not present in localized resource file
#11 opened by somelinguist - 1
HTML in JSON not rendered
#22 opened by frontshift - 3
PRoblem with IE8
#18 opened by lpfister - 1
- 2
Pre-included localization .js files
#7 opened by gabrielmaldi - 1
Dynamic model and translate
#15 opened by xavadu - 2
dictionary returns undefined
#13 opened by nilsawesome - 4
Why 'localize' service is always running
#10 opened by gudh - 1
Translating placeholder attributes
#12 opened by timrijkse - 3
When setting language via localize, ng's localization filters do not respect it
#4 opened by ChristianWeyer - 3
language detection during initialization
#6 opened by xliyong - 2
i18nAttr not updated
#8 opened by Substanzlos - 4
hardcoded absolute URL for resource
#5 opened by xliyong - 1
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