
Make file to compile ino sketch with avr-gcc (+ target instrument firmware for simavr)

Primary LanguageMakefile

Ino compile

Get this repository

git clone https://github.com/lavirott/ino_compile.git

Installing dependencies

sudo apt install gcc-avr avr-libc arduino simavr

Clone simavr to acces include files needed for simavr

git clone https://github.com/buserror/simavr.git

Change variables in Makefile

Change the SIMAVR_DIR value in the first level Makefile to address the right directory.

Change the TARGET value in the first level Makefile to address the ino file you want to compile.

Compile ino file

Compile arduino library and target source code and generate .hex file (and .elf and .eep)

  • make

Compile simavr-addin, include it in firmware and launch simavr

  • make simavr

Compile and Flash on a real hardware connected to TTY (/dev/ttyACM0 by default)

  • make flash