- 1
[WARNI] NaN or Inf found in input tensor.
#71 opened by ShaoZhangHao - 1
- 0
Extract entities and relation from Spacy tokens?
#70 opened by gveni - 9
- 0
Trained model : Relation classification is bad
#68 opened by yy2lyx - 1
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable
#66 opened by Deerzh - 0
Can't make train following the example
#67 opened by lxhwyj - 0
Can't download datasets
#64 opened by Ryuchen - 1
Does SpERT work with GPT models?
#62 opened by sameeravithana - 4
RuntimeError: copy_if failed to synchronize: cudaErrorAssert: device-side assert triggered
#61 opened by AndDoIt - 3
How does span filtering work?
#59 opened by boxorange - 1
Runtime Error
#60 opened by CamiloContrerasPhD - 3
- 1
What is the meaning of the dataset tensors?
#56 opened by celsofranssa - 3
How to easily use this model for inference
#51 opened by xegulon - 1
Simple example issue
#57 opened by MinYounZhang - 2
- 1
Help! Help!
#53 opened by HuizhaoWang - 6
- 9
Using Transformers other than BERT and SciBERT
#49 opened by dogatekin - 2
- 8
Can't make predictions following the example
#52 opened by xegulon - 7
Code Question
#44 opened by LemonQC - 1
Why use multiple sigmoids for relation classifier?
#47 opened by syuoni - 2
Softmax implementation
#48 opened - 5
Training with no relations in data
#45 opened by famube - 2
- 2
- 6
Prediction dataset
#40 opened by ChloeJKim - 4
Conll04 dataset
#41 opened by NeroL29 - 21
How to run predictions?
#30 opened by ChloeJKim - 11
- 1
padding or truncating on scentenceļ¼
#39 opened by graceyangfan - 8
- 1
- 2
Interpreting results
#35 opened by valtheval - 10
How to preprocess data?
#27 opened by ChloeJKim - 4
Regarding Score Computation
#34 opened by pvcastro - 1
Project license
#33 opened by CamillaBressan - 1
dataloader stucks when using multiprocessing
#32 opened by zhollow - 2
error when evaluate CoNLL04
#31 opened by season1blue - 3
About add weight on loss function
#25 opened by jmlongriver12 - 1
early stopping
#28 opened by CamillaBressan - 1
How to do predict?
#29 opened by liutianling - 1
fetching data - time out
#26 opened by ChloeJKim - 1
Is there a simple way to predict the relation of a single sentence as an input ?
#24 opened by justinphan3110 - 2
Selecting Span Problem
#21 opened by Jim0530 - 0
About the performance
#23 opened by JackySnake - 4
#20 opened by pvcastro - 2
High GPU usage during evaluation
#22 opened by avipartho