
Charemap is a little program to play with substitution ciphers. It's able to remap text, perform characters and word analysis and to automatically decrypt ciphertext.

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Charemap is a little program to play with substitution ciphers. It's able to
remap text, perform characters and word analysis and to automatically decrypt

Glib, GNU make and a C compiler.

In order to compile charemap, simply type `make'. No installation required.

Running charemap
See ./charemap -h

Here is an example of automatic decryption with a ciphertext shipped with

./charemap -i ciphers/tobeornot.txt -d -m samples/dorian.txt 

Decripting using bigram and trigram detection...

The mapping found is:

	<- etaoihnsrdlumwyfcgpbvkxqjz
	-> jzfusrgtkxapyeilwomdnhbqcv

Decryption result:

to me, or not to me: that is the fuestion:
whether 'tis nomver in the yink to suller
the svings ank arrows ol outrageous lortune,
or to tabe a arys against a sea ol troumves,
ank mp oddosing enk they. to kie: to sveed;
no yore; ank mp a sveed to sap we enk
the heartache, ank the thousank naturav shocbs
that lvesh is heir to.

Affining result with dictionary-based decryption...

The mapping found is:

	<- etaoihnsrdlumwyfcgpbvkxqjz
	-> jzqusrgtdxaymeifwobpnhkvcl

Decryption result:

to be, or not to be: that is the question:
whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
or to take a arms against a sea of troubles,
and by opposing end them. to die: to sleep;
no more; and by a sleep to say we end
the heartache, and the thousand natural shocks
that flesh is heir to.

Charemap is written by Marco Squarcina <lavish@gmail.com>
