
A Mini RESTful API Framework

Primary LanguageErlangApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A mini RESTful API framework built on cowboy and jsx.

Write a RESTful API Module


-rest_api(#{name   => list_books,
            method => 'GET',
            path   => "/books/",
            func   => list,
            descr  => "List books"}).

-rest_api(#{name   => get_book,
            method => 'GET',
            path   => "/books/:id",
            func   => get,
            descr  => "Get book by Id"}).

-export([list/2, get/2]).

list(Binding, _Params) ->
    Books = [#{id => I, name => list_to_binary("book" ++ integer_to_list(I))}
             || I <- lists:seq(1, 100)],
    {200, Books}.

get(#{id := Id}, _Params) ->
    {200, #{id => Id, name => list_to_binary("book" ++ Id)}}.

Start the REST server

Handler = {"/", minirest:handler(#{modules => [rest_api_books]})},
minirest:start_http(demo_rest_server, 8080, [], [Handler]).

Stop the REST server

minirest:stop_http(demo_rest_server, 8080).


Apache License Version 2.0


Feng Lee feng@emqx.io