
An R version of Lake Analyzer

Primary LanguageR

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The rLakeAnalyzer package is an R implementation of the Lake Analyzer, a tool that allows users to calculate common metrics for lake physical states.


You can install a stable version of rLakeAnalyzer with:


You can install the development version rLakeAnalyzer from github with:

# install.packages("devtools")


First the package must be loaded into R:

#> Warning: package 'rLakeAnalyzer' was built under R version 3.4.3

You can view a list of functions available in rLakeAnalyzer with:

help(package = "rLakeAnalyzer")

An example application of this functionality is illustrated with wtr.heat.map() function:

#Get the path for the package example file included
wtr.path <- system.file('extdata', 'Sparkling.daily.wtr', package="rLakeAnalyzer")

#Load data for example lake, Sparkilng Lake, Wisconsin.
sp.wtr = load.ts(wtr.path)

#Plot default figure

#Change defaults supplied to filled.contour
wtr.heat.map(sp.wtr, zlim=c(0,15), plot.title="Sparkling Water Temp (C)")

Getting Help or Reporting an Issue

To report bugs/issues/feature requests, please file an issue.

These are very welcome!


Luke Winslow, Richard Woolway, Jordan Read, Jennie Brentrup, Jake Zwart, Craig Snortheim, Taylor Leach, Sam Albers, Doug Collinge