Marley Spoon Recipes

This is an example application for the Marley Spoon's web challenge.


Before you start, make sure you have installed the required dependencies:

  • Ruby = 2.6.3
  • Ruby Gems (see 'bundler' below)

Setting up

  1. Get the Marley Spoon source code from GitHub.
    cd marley-spoon
  2. Install Bundler:

    gem install bundler

    Note: Make sure to use local (user-install) gem store and not the system-wide.

  3. Install the code dependencies

    bundle install
  4. This application is not using a database so it's not needed to setup a database.

  5. It shouldn't be needed to configure anything but I've intentionally added the config/master.key file to git so you can make some changes to or inspect the config/credentials.yml.enc.

Now we are ready to start the application.

Running the application

All you need to do to run the application is run the following command in the terminal:

bin/rails server

Running tests

To start the tests, run:



bundle exec rspec