Canjun Navy Processes


This project depends on a parent pom, rules, and a model:

  • The parent pom can be found here
  • The rules can be found here (the justin branch)
  • The model can be found here (the justin branch)

Running the Reproducer

The process to test the rules is the Reproducer.bpmn2 process with id src.Reproducer.

JSON input for src.Reproducer:

    "incident": {
        "": {
            "id": 1,
            "latitude": 34.16877,
            "longitude": -77.87045,
            "numberOfPeople": 2,
            "isMedicalNeeded": true,
            "victimName": "Justin",
            "victimPhoneNumber": "123-456-7890"
    "responders": {
        "": {
            "responders": [
                    "fullname": "full name",
                    "hasMission": false,
                    "boatCapacity": 2,
                    "longitude": "-77.87045",
                    "hasMedical": false,
                    "phoneNumber": "555-555-5555",
                    "latitude": "34.16877",
                    "isAvailable": true,
                    "id": 1
                    "fullname": "full name",
                    "hasMission": false,
                    "boatCapacity": 4,
                    "longitude": "-77.8718",
                    "hasMedical": true,
                    "phoneNumber": "555-555-5555",
                    "latitude": "34.23519",
                    "isAvailable": true,
                    "id": 2
                    "fullname": "full name",
                    "hasMission": false,
                    "boatCapacity": 6,
                    "longitude": "-77.81316",
                    "hasMedical": false,
                    "phoneNumber": "555-555-5555",
                    "latitude": "34.11331",
                    "isAvailable": true,
                    "id": 3
                    "fullname": "full name",
                    "hasMission": false,
                    "boatCapacity": 8,
                    "longitude": "-77.86253",
                    "hasMedical": true,
                    "phoneNumber": "555-555-5555",
                    "latitude": "34.19219",
                    "isAvailable": true,
                    "id": 4