Final project

Tweak the starter code as necessary to implement your final project.

Go into your repo to receive this starter code:

$ git remote add prof

$ git pull prof master
 * branch            master     -> FETCH_HEAD
 * [new branch]      master     -> prof/master

$ git mergetool

Form small groups of 2-3 people (no more than 4, please) to create some program with a cool demo.

Examples: connect 4, minesweeper, checkers, asteroids, paint program, hangman, simulator, solitaire, side scroller.

Questions to answer

  • Who are you working with?

  • What on?

    • Bare minimum requirements

    • Ideal requirements

  • Who’s going to do what?

    • Artwork

    • Game logic (Model)

      • The underlying data structure (Stucts? Lists? Vectors? Arrays?)

      • E.g., collision detection, is the game over, etc.

    • Handling input events (Controller)

    • Rendering the game to the screen (View)


  • Informal demo on April 7

  • Demo during final exam period


On final exam day, we’ll all demo our programs that we wrote.


Git stuff