
Dictorobitary is the language computer, a machine that translates any (context-free) language to our own (it’s a parsing library).

At the moment, it:

  • accepts all regular expressions

  • accepts all context-free grammars

  • operates at high speed

  • sips memory

  • is non-blocking

  • is a library (drop in to your source folder)

  • easy to embed and extend

  • is restartable

  • is thread safe

One day, it will:

  • construct parse forests

  • construct parse forests lazily

  • construct arbitrary trees through actions

  • use a ABNF or EBNF specification as a string

  • choose the fastest parsing algorithm based on the grammar structure

  • cache partial parses

  • be reconfigurable on the fly?

  • allow context-sensitivity

  • be unicode-capable (or not)

  • will not leak memory

Example usage

Matching a regular expression

To specify a regular language:

Language identifier = new Language() {{
    // [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*
    define(or(range('A','Z'), range('a','z')), many(or(range('A','Z'), range('a','z'), range('0', '9'))));
identifier.matches("4chan"); // false
identifier.matches("2pac"); // false
identifier.matches("x"); // true
identifier.matches("xyzzy3"); // true

Matching a context-free grammar

To specify a context-free grammar:

Language arithmetic = new Language() {{
    Node<String,Void> expression = id("expression");
    Node<String,Void> term = id("term");
    Node<String,Void> factor = id("factor");
    Node<String,Void> digit = id("digit");
    Node<String,Void> digits = id("digits");

    rule(expression, term, many(or(symbol('+'), symbol('-')), term));
    // term -> term {('+'|'-') term}
    rule(term, factor, many(or(symbol('*'), symbol('/')), factor));
    rule(factor, or(digits, list(symbol('('), expression, symbol(')'))));
    rule(digit, range('0', '9'));
    rule(digits, digit, many(digit));

arithmetic.matches("(2+4)/3"); // true
arithmetic.matches("(2+4)/3+"); // false

Matching a context-free grammar (TODO)

Use a EBNF or ABNF string to define a language.

Language arithmetic = new Language(
"expression = term , {('+'|'-') , term}."
"term = factor , {('*'|'/'), factor}."
"factor = digits | ('(', expression, ')')."
"digit = '0' .. '9'."
"digits = digit, {digit}.");

arithmetic.matches("(2+4)/3"); // true
arithmetic.matches("(2+4)/3+"); // false