
Mapping EPA monitor data for BNE.


Mapping EPA monitor data for BNE.


  • EPA_monitor_data is a directory that contains two EPA monitor data .csv files. The README.txt file in the directory has more detailed information.
  • cb_2016_us_state_500k is a directory containing all of the necessary shape files for mapping the US including state borders.
  • output_maps is a directory containing two sample output maps as .png files.
  • monitor_maps.Rmd contains the source code used to make the maps in output_maps. It should be easy to run within RStudio. The documentation should be decent.
  • other-maps.Rmd contains source code to make more complicated maps but it cannot be run as I have not uploaded the necessary files it needs. I've included it just incase the code is useful for other projects. It is not well documented at all.