
What is Deno

Deno is a simple, modern and secure runtime for javascript and typesrcript that uses Chrome's V8 engine and is built in Rust programming language.

Main features of Deno

  • built-in typescript support
  • import from url - no node_modules - no central package management
  • es6 module import syntax
  • top level await, don't need an async function to write await
  • more compatible with browser: fetch, window
  • security - flags
  • ships single executable file
  • built-in code formatting support
  • built-in testing support

DEV tips

  • if using VScode put the following in your settings.
    "deno.enable": true,
    "deno.lint": true,
    "deno.unstable": true
  • $ denon run --allow-net server.ts (commanad to hot reload changes)
  • dependencies are located in deps.ts


  • typescript
  • MVC structure
  • REST API with authentication
  • use of several thrid party packages
  • MongoDb (Atlas - no install)
  • template engine - (dejs)
  • serving static files (js,css)
  • Handle form submmission
  • validation
  • Oak framework (third party module)
  • denon (hot reloading)