
Steve's blog is a personal blogging website where you can create and share your opinions and other users can read and comment on them. steve'sblog also has random quotes that inspire the users.

Primary LanguagePython


BLOG-APP is a personal blogging website where you can create and share your opinions and other users can read and comment on them. blog-x also has random quotes that inspire the users.


Kebaso Steve Ongati



The following command installs all the application requirements

pip freeze -r requirements.txt


Run git clone https://github.com/KEBASOH/BLOG-APP.git

or download the zip file from github.

After extracting the files,

  1. Navigate to the project folder


  1. Creating a virtual environment

virtualenv virtual.

  1. Activating the virtual environment

source virtual/bin/activate.

  1. Running the application

python3 manage.py server

  1. Running tests

python3 manage.py test.

Technologies used

  • Python3
  • Flask
  • Html5
  • Css3
  • Bootstrap4

User stories

  • As a user, I would like to view the blog posts on the site
  • As a user, I would like to comment on blog posts
  • As a user, I would like to view the most recent posts
  • As a user, I would like to an email alert when a new post is made by joining a subscription.
  • As a user, I would like to see random quotes on the site
  • As a writer, I would like to sign in to the blog.
  • As a writer, I would also like to create a blog from the application.
  • As a writer, I would like to delete comments that I find insulting or degrading.
  • As a writer, I would like to update or delete blogs I have created.

BDD(Behaviour Driven Development)

Login Inputs

Inputs Description
Username Account username, eg johndoe
Password Account password, eg parseword

Signup inputs

Inputs Description
Username Account username, eg johndoe
Email User email, eg morty@testmail.com
Password Account password, eg parseword
Confirm Password Account password, eg parseword

Blog inputs

Inputs Description
Blog title the title of the blog eg; Car news
Blog post The blog post itself
Comment A comment on the blog post


MIT License © Kebaso Steve Ongati 2020


To collaborate, reach me on ongatikebaso@gmail.com

Github live Link