Everything to know and do for the Scitech paper
What did we promise to do?
- Continue offshore ABL computations from the Torque 2020 study --> include stable conditions
- Compare stable ABLs with neutral and unstable
- Examine what happens to statistics (spectra, turbulent length scales, etc.) as a function of height
- Compare AMR-Wind vs Nalu-wind results for offshore ABLs.
Here's everything that's been done so far
Take a look at some of the previously published items
- Read the paper by Archer et al, which describes the Cape Wind met mast measurements
- Look at the Torque 2020 paper which describes the unstable and neutral results
- Look at the AIAA scitech abstract to see what we promised to do
Neutral and unstable have already been completed
- Outline of cases: A jupyter notebook summarizing the targeted conditions for stable, unstable, and neutral (based on Archer et al)
- NaluWindRuns neutral: Directory of neutral Nalu-Wind input files for neutral 5m/s, 10m/s and 15 m/s
- NaluWindRuns unstable: Directory of unstable Nalu-Wind input files for neutral 5m/s, 10m/s and 15 m/s
- Mean ABL stats and profiles: Summary of mean ABL statistics on simulations so far
- Spectra computations: Jupyter notebooks for
o Neutral 5m/s
o Neutral 10m/s
o Neutral 15m/s
o Unstable 5m/s
o Unstable 10m/s
o Unstable 15m/s - Lengthscale computations: Computed integral lengthscale for neutral and unstable cases
- NaluWindRuns for stable: Runs completed for stable 5m/s, 10m/s and 15m/s
o Each run for 20,000 secs on 3km x 3km x 1km domain
o Averaged mean profiles gathered
o Need to update spectra and lengthscale -- results for scitech abstract on small domain
- Lawrence: upload all python stats calculation scripts to Github
- Complete statistics (lengthscale and spectra) for stable runs
- Run matching AMR-Wind cases for stable ABL's (high priority)
- Write equivalent stats calculation scripts (lengthscale) for AMR-Wind cases
- Collect and compare stats for AMR-Wind cases
- Run matching AMR-Wind cases for neutral and unstable ABL's (lower priority)
and of course,
- Write Scitech paper!
For latest information, see AIAA 2021 website. Conference, paper, and registration deadlines:
- Target submit for NREL review: 21 November 2020
- Manuscript due: 1 December 2020
- Early Member Registration Ends: 21 December 2020
- Conference dates: 11-15 Janurary 2021 (possibly changed due to virtual format)