
  • want to launch by the end of February

Critical TODO

  • Make Alaska / Hawaii under US states
  • redo the form for branching logic
    • UI after submitting the form
    • duplicate form submission
  • page starts halfway down on load
  • airport deletion doesn't work - just deletes FIFO regardless of which city is deleted
  • take out the flying / other means
  • import airport list
  • airport markers messed up
  • add in the airports selected to the google form
  • consent popup
  • header with different sections
  • CO2 calculation
  • individualized carbon emissions infographic
  • double check the distances
  • move the form to be right next to the infographic
  • make the questions on the form not all required
  • references
  • deleting a destination and then recalculating emissions breaks the infographic
  • you can add arbitrary names that are not in the airport and this breaks the calculate emissions button
  • fix github pages build
  • double check form submit

Google form to do

  • make google form questions required

  • add in residency specialties

  • update for new questions

  • check through all the text

  • link all of the petition links

  • change font

  • change about us

  • update email in consent popup

  • move references to only appear after entering travel info


  • style google form
  • you have to click calculate emissions again for the google form to include the newly included airports
  • Website adapted from mycarmsfooptrint.com footer
  • convert infographic to use background-image
  • add required warning for certain questions not an alert dialog - https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.0/forms/validation/
  • basic mobile friendly cleanup - most people using it on desktop
  • add vue-cloak
  • do we want animation after the form is submitted
  • clean up code / comment code / document
  • make the map not fixed width
  • clicking on the destination should just add it right away without you having to click add or hit enter again
  • make the entire initial page fit on the screen
  • start using bootstrap for everything
  • clean up the comparison chart area
  • list of airports on the left overlaps with the map when the screen is too narrow
  • web performance issues - might crash if there are too many airports
  • mobile friendly
  • airplane doesn't fully fly between all destinations
    • see bottom of map.js
  • airport tags hover
  • create custom 404 page - https://docs.github.com/en/pages/getting-started-with-github-pages/creating-a-custom-404-page-for-your-github-pages-site

