Lawrence Logoh's Dotfiles

These dotfiles are mainly made to be used on an OpenBSD system. I do use them on my Linux systems but I make modifications. Use them at your own risk.


  • Git
  • Fresh OpenBSD installation

How to use

$ git init .
$ git remote add origin
$ git pull origin master

You should have all the files after that.

Optional Steps

  • Install all the programs I normally install
# pkg_add -l .packages
  • Get my emacs config too
git clone ~/.config/emacs


  • If you want to use startx instead of xenodm rename .xsession to .xinitrc
  • There are folders in bin that are named according to the system they're on. zangetsu is for my openbsd system, wabisuke is for my void linux system.
  • My build of dwm assumes that your terminal is st and your launcher is dmenu