
Taiga (https://taiga.io) plugin for slack (https://slack.com/) integration

Primary LanguagePython

Taiga contrib slack

Kaleidos Project Managed with Taiga.io

The Taiga plugin for slack integration.


Taiga Back

In your Taiga back python virtualenv install the pip package taiga-contrib-slack with:

  pip install taiga-contrib-slack

Modify your settings/local.py and include the line:

  INSTALLED_APPS += ["taiga_contrib_slack"]

Then run the migrations to generate the new need table:

  python manage.py migrate taiga_contrib_slack

Taiga Front

Download in your dist/js/ directory of Taiga front the taiga-contrib-slack compiled code:

  cd dist/js
  wget "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/taigaio/taiga-contrib-slack/$(pip show taiga-contrib-slack | awk '/^Version: /{print $2}')/front/dist/slack.js"

Include in your dist/js/conf.json in the contribPlugins list the value "/js/slack.js":

    "contribPlugins": ["/js/slack.js"]

How to use

Follow the instructions on our support page Taiga.io Support > Contrib Plugins > Slack integration