This was a JavaScript-focused project where I worked on looping over arrays and objects. We got a ton of practice using for loops, for in/of, and all array methods (such as map, filter, etc...). When we got stuck, we asked our group to look over each other's work and provide insight on how we can improve our code.
It was great to delve deep into working with JS exercises such as this. Also, the Local Library project helped me think of multiple ways to solve a problem, and was great to see how my other groupmates handled/solved questions when we all discussed at the end.
Code was provided for us, we had to work on the functions the course provided using loops to loop over object or arrays of objects. Not much to say about functionality; all tests were graded and passed.
This is a great JavaScript exercise I'll definitely come back to in the future, just for a quick refresher. Maybe I'll try solving the problems a different way? Could be beneficial in the long run!
HTML, JS, NodeJS, Mocha & Chai Testing