
A cross-platform x86 assembler with an Intel-like syntax

Primary LanguageC


BTRTG (Binary Translation Random Test Generator) is a x86 assembly program generator. The generated programs are used to test binary translator.

This project is modified from NASM (the Netwide Assembler).


mkdir build
cmake .. && make
cmake .. && make


How to generate a test by a template?

Run the commands below and a new file add.s is generated.

(build)$ ./btrtg/btrtg --help
Usage: btrtg -k <path> -g <path> -t <file> [options]
    --help        show this text and exit (also -h)
    -h            show this text and exit (also --help)
    -k <path>     path to the testing knowledge template files
    -g <path>     path to the instruction group template files
    -t <file>     select a template <file>
    -o <file>     place the output into <file>
(build)$ ./btrtg/btrtg -t ../xmlmodel/templates/unit/General-Purpose/binary-arithmetic/add.xml -o add.s

How to compile a generated testing file?

Move the file into user-lib directory and use script compile-test.sh to compile. Run the commands below and the generated executable file add.test is the final testing file.

(build)$ cd user-lib
(user-lib)$ cp ../add.s ./
(user-lib)$ bash compile-test.sh add.s -o add.test

How to generate/compile all the tests by lots of templates in a time?

Use the script run-all-templates.sh. Exp, command

bash run-all-templates.sh ../../xmlmodel/templates/unit/MMX -k ../../xmlmodel/tks -g ../../xmlmodel/templates/group -o results/unit/MMX -generate 

will generate all the testings by templates in xmlmodel/templates/unit/MMX directory.

How to write a template?

Follow the rules in template writing specification. Also you can refer to the existed templates.